Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Argument - Essay ExampleAlthough many prefer to act premarital cohabitation, some sectors who be conservative within the society view premarital cohabitation as abominable. This is because of the consequences it brings. To them cohabitation causes confusion among younger generations and other people. They find the value of hymeneals and wedding ceremony certificate for granted. Marriage becomes a matter of ceremony without importance because they do not exactly know what constitutes marriage. However, some people find marriage as not the sole criterion of confusion among younger groups when considering the relationship of couples. In fact, youth who comes from a family whose parents are married but quarrel or so of the time are more confused. Younger generations who understand the goal of premarital cohabitation may find it not confusing and may consider it a best(p) option of marriage. This idea is supported in the article of Budinski & Trovato (72) where they made it clear th at cohabitation is a viable alternative for marriage especially to those who do not learn the confidence in entering a long term marriage just yet. They further stated that when couples cohabit, components of marriage are present like sharing of home, sexual intimacy, childbearing, and economic resources. With this, the couple may live like husband and wife just the same where they can enjoy playing their role as partners and parents. Individuals of any age who understand this purpose may consider premarital cohabitation as a springboard to marriage. Thus this does not post confusion. People who are against living together before marriage or premarital cohabitation claim that entering such situation may result in habitually ever-changing their partners and are observed to be having difficulty finding a lifelong partner. This practice gives a belief that repeated cohabitation would be a predictor for future marriage failures as a result of weeding out process. Through selection, t he person may change partner every now and then. However, observation shows that cohabiters and non cohabiters experience break up at almost the same rate. In the study of Bruderl and company (1), they explained that it is not the cohabitation that increases the chance of couples separation but rather mismatches of some psychological traits. Once the mismatch traits are detected, it is likely that the person is going to weed out those in congruous traits resulting in an improved experience which makes the next relationship a success. This is evident among couples who were recently questioned in their answers that they are improving their chances of success in their marital relationship with their experience thus the prevalence of separation or split is reduced in the subsequent relationship. A large number of people especially Muslims believe that the practice of premarital cohabitation is better because it ensures stronger compatibility and commitment of couples. To be compatible needs adjustment to for each one other. Perhaps the mode couples do this would be to live together. Couples have to be close together to really observe the way each lives. Doing this could help couples find out if they could bear each other without too much tension, quarrels and other problems. If they find out that they are comfortable with each others lifestyle, then they may consider marriage. However, if they are not, then it would be easy for them to just break apart because of the absence of legal writing works and commitment. Taxes would be easier to handle

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