Saturday, June 22, 2019

Reflections on ENGL393 Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Reflections on ENGL393 - Research Proposal ExampleReflections on ENGL393In addition, I also do not work well with traditional corrective feedback. When I read written feedback, sometimes, I do not scan exactly what they mean or what they expect me to do. I prefer student-teacher conferences or speaking or chatting with my instructors and peers to better understand the revision needs of the paper.For the first assignment, I did not fully understand the instructions and I was not familiar with the topic at all. As a result, my work is not what the professor evaluate and I got a low grade. For the second assignment, our topic was related to to my major, which is very familiar to me. Furthermore, group working helped me understand the assignment better. Each member has a different perspective, thus, we improved the work more efficiently.So far, with three assignments, I think I have honed my research and interview skills. For example, I tend to be shy when approaching strangers with h igher positions, but since this is a technical paper, I have improved my confidence and communication skills. I have more brace when talking to the apartment manager, for instance, regarding the no-party policy. I found that I prefer practicing how to speak with management-level people in advance because it can vastly improve my confidence.In addition, my strengths as a writer are my eagerness to learn through reading and actual research and my openness to feedback. I enjoy reading various materials related to writing itself and to my topic.

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